Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Spoiler Talk

As the title suggests, this post is filled with spoilers to the new Star Wars movie.

So, if you have yet to see the film, stop reading this right now.

And go watch the movie already. What is wrong with you?

This post will contain only stuff that I noticed in my one viewing of the film as of today, so comment below to tell me what I missed out!

So, without further ado...


1. The opening crawl text

From the start, you get filled to the brim with immense nostalgia and satisfaction as the Star Wars series' signature devices appear on screen over the glorious rendition of the iconic theme song.

Literally the first words you see in the crawl are "Luke Skywalker is missing".

That got me hooked right from the start, with such an interesting premise and set-up.

2. Similarities to Episode IV: A New Hope

Think about it for a second. There are many similar moments to A New Hope in The Force Awakens.

For starters, placing crucial intel into a droid as it is sent to a different planet.

In A New Hope, Princess Leia places the stolen plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star inside R2-D2 and sends it away to a planet.

In The Force Awakens, Poe Dameron places in BB-8 a crucial segment to the map which leads to the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker.

Princess Leia placing the plans of the Death Star into R2-D2 in A New Hope (1977).

BB-8 fleeing from the attack in Jakku with the intel on Luke Skywalker's whereabouts in The Force Awakens (2015).

There was also the main antagonist from the dark side whose entrance into the movie included depictions of him using his power to punish someone who has failed him or something along those lines.

We saw that with Darth Vader as he and his troops stormed the Rebel ship in search of the stolen plans.

In The Force Awakens, we see it with Kylo Ren as he and his troops stormed the village in Jakku in search of the intel to the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker.

3. The ruins of an Imperial Star Destroyer in the desert of Jakku

This is where we first get to meet Rey - a scavenger who is like, one of the most beautiful actresses (and women) I've seen in a long time.

She explores the ruins of a crashed Star Destroyer, presumably from the events of Return of the Jedi (1983), salvaging for parts that may be of value.

It is a welcome sight to see the setting of many memorable battles again, albeit in less glorious fashion.

Ruins of the crashed Star Destroyer being explored by Rey.

4. Rey

Let's all just take a moment to appreciate great beauty.

Boy, is she gorgeous. Talented too.

I really hope to see Daisy Ridley in more movies in the near future, and she'd make a really good Bond girl.

More on her character, and I like how they made the new "chosen one" a girl.

It was really nice seeing how she discovered the Force, and how one thing led to another in her realisation that she is in fact chosen to follow in the footsteps of the now legendary Luke Skywalker to become a Jedi.

I also really liked how she knew of the stories that had happened way before her time, such as those of Han Solo, the Millennium Falcon, Luke Skywalker and all that.

I like how they made it all mythical, and that realisation that it was all true was just really cool - especially in the scene where she meets Han Solo and Chewbacca.

There's also the story of her parents abandoning her as a child yet to be uncovered, so that'll be very interesting.

My theory is that her father is Luke Skywalker.

We'll see if that's the case.

5. Rey's home

Rey's home in Jakku is revealed to be the ruins of a damaged Imperial AT-AT Walker, first seen in The Empire Strikes Back (1980).

It is at her home where we also see a Rebel fighter pilot's orange uniform and helmet.

I'm not too sure who the helmet or uniform belongs to though.

AT-AT Walkers in the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back (1980).

6. Finn

Stormtrooper FN-2187.


That number is the same number as the prison cell Princess Leia was held in in A New Hope (1977).

Princess Leia's cell in A New Hope (1977).

I thought the character was pretty cool too, with him not wanting to continue serving as a stormtrooper under the new First Order.

Finn brought plenty of heart to the movie, and his screen presence was always very welcomed.

I think John Boyega shared pretty good chemistry with Daisy Ridley too, and boy does it show.

I have a few qualms about him using the lightsaber though. I mean, the dude only knows how to handle a blaster and yet he's going up against freaking Kylo Ren in a lightsaber duel?

Oh well, at least he wasn't killed off (thank goodness). Hope he'll return better and stronger in the next movie.

7. The Millennium Falcon

When Rey called one of the ships "garbage" before the one she was heading to got blown to bits, you kinda knew deep down that there was only ever going to be one ship so close to the hearts of many Star Wars fans - myself included.

THE Millennium Falcon.

I'm a bit curious though, as to what exactly happened in between Return of the Jedi (1983) and this one which caused Han Solo to lose his ownership of his beloved Falcon.

Sure, it was said in the movie that it was stolen, but 30 years to get it back? Not very Han Solo-like, wouldn't you say?

Anyway, that's the least of my concerns. It was just lovely to see it back - and back in action too.

8. Kylo Ren

So, the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa. I legitimately didn't see that twist coming when Snoke speaks to the formerly-named Ben Solo over the hologram.

And why "Ben"? Named after Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, perhaps?

I quite liked how they introduced this new antagonist, with his Darth Vader-esque entrance (minus the smoke and fog) and badass use of the Force to stop a blaster's shot mid-air (that bit was cool AF), he kinda sealed legendary status right away.

Sure, legendary status right until he took of his helmet/mask. GAHH WHAT ARE THOSEEEE.

I expected a much more daunting and like scarred or burnt face rather than that. It was quite anti-climactic.

No offence to Adam Driver, though, he did a good job portraying Kylo Ren - especially in the father-son scenes.

I really expected more from the reveal.

However, I did like the dynamic of his character very very much.

I realised that he was so feared and all because of his displays of his power through his raging on computers or times when he uses the Force.

Feared not because of that though, but because as of that moment, Kylo Ren was like the only person in the galaxy who was strong with the Force, since Luke Skywalker and the Jedi have been "wiped out".

Because of that too, Kylo Ren would think he's so strong and powerful, hence he'd think so highly of himself as there's been literally no competition ever.

Therefore, he didn't need to complete his dark side training by Snoke, not until he encounters Rey who counters Ren's attempts to get in to her mind using the Force.

The look on Driver's face when Rey counters him was just brilliant - that look of someone who just shat himself having discovered that someone else is matching him in terms of power, something he has never experienced before.

And let's just talk about his cool-ass lightsaber, man. That thing is sick.

Can't wait to see more of it Episode VIII, with a stronger and more powerful Kylo Ren using it.

One more thing, I feel as though Kylo Ren has been tricked in some way, maybe tricked into turning to the dark side.

I say this because in his living quarters, he looks to the melted mask of Darth Vader, his maternal grandfather for inspiration and admiration.

Does he not know of Vader's turn back to good right before his death? Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure someone's hiding something from him.

9. Han Solo

I'm someone who truly appreciates good character development and evolvement, in movie series especially.

The way in which they handled the character of Han Solo in this one is magnificent.

Han is much much older, wiser and more cautious, and yet he still has the reckless, wise-cracking, grumpy and awesome traits of the character Harrison Ford made his own more than 30 years ago.

That, along with the chemistry he still shares with Chewbacca. My word, are these two inseparable.

That's why his death was even harder to take, because they managed to find even more awesomeness in a character who defines the term.

I really liked the father-son story that went on too, in that scene where Han goes up to him on the bridge.

It's a very touching scene, where it seems as though Kylo Ren is giving in when he freaking pierces his lightsaber right through Han.

I literally felt that lightsaber go right through me as well. My gosh, my favourite character in the entire series gone.

And that wail that Chewie makes when Han is stabbed, that made the waterworks start for me.

A moment of silence for one of the most memorable and most awesome movie characters ever written.

I really hope Han Solo returns in some way, shape or form. He can't do that Jedi thing where he becomes part of the Force and can appear like Obi-Wan and Yoda can, so we'll see.

10. Daniel Craig cameo

Haha, this one was pretty awesome.

Before I went to see the movie, I had seen some Facebook post saying that Daniel Craig had a small cameo in the movie as a stormtrooper, and that you have to be super eagle-eyed to spot it.

Hence, I paid close attention to every single stormtrooper in the movie, but you really don't need to. His appearance was pretty obvious. To me, at least.

He was the stormtrooper who was the victim of the Jedi mind trick by Rey, who at that point discovered how to use the Force after having encountered Kylo Ren.

The moment the stormtrooper spoke, I could tell that it was Craig, because of his distinctive accent and manner of speech.

The way he moved as he walked away and threw his gun down also gave away the fact that it really was James Bond himself.

Apparently, he was even credited as Stormtrooper JB-007 in the end credits. Some sources say he was uncredited though, so I think I need a second viewing.

Probably the coolest cameo I've ever seen other than Wolverine's in X-Men: First Class.

11. References to previous movies

This follows up to point #2. There were quite a few easter eggs and references in The Force Awakens.

Here are the few that I picked out:

- "I will finish what you started."

This is said by Kylo Ren to the melted helmet of Darth Vader as he seeks inspiration.

The helmet was clearly retrieved from Luke after he had his father cremated in Return of the Jedi (1983), probably during that siege which led to Luke fleeing and all the Jedi being wiped out.

- Luke's lightsaber

The blue lightsaber which Luke used in A New Hope (1977) as he trained as Obi-Wan's apprentice was kept with Maz Kanata in Takodana for safekeeping until the "chosen one" should arrive and be led to it.

The chosen one being Rey, who was led to it by voices in her head which guided her to it.

Maz (left) handing over Luke's lightsaber to Rey (left).

- Rey's visions after touching the lightsaber

This was a pretty cool scene where Rey had visions of past/future events regarding the Jedi.

We see Kylo Ren taking part in the siege against the Jedi, Luke Skywalker and his robotic right hand programming something into R2-D2 using the Force (presumably his whereabouts), and some other disturbing images together with voices from Obi-Wan and Yoda.

I can't remember what exactly was shown or heard in the vision scene, so I'm certain I missed out a lot.

- The Garbage Chute

A direct reference to A New Hope (1977) here, where Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker were trapped inside the garbage chute of the Star Destroyer.

Han tells Captain Phasma that he'll put her in the garbage chute after she doesn't appear threatened. A pretty cool nod to the classic movie, clearly showing how bitter Han still is from that stinky experience.

There are many other references and easter eggs in the movie, but these are all that I managed to pick out. Do comment below to tell me of those I missed!

12. Luke Skywalker

Not bad, huh? Having an entire movie about locating and finding Luke.

I loved the scene where Rey walks up the steps to the first Jedi Temple to find a hooded Luke there, looking out towards the ocean.

Admittedly though, I expected more than just Rey handing the lightsaber to him from a distance.

I was hoping for maybe a line of dialogue? Something like "You are the chosen one. The Force is strong in you".

Or maybe show Luke use the Force to retrieve the lightsaber from her, and then have some dialogue.

Oh well, at least they included that final scene in.

Sure, it wasn't as good as it could have been but they just needed to show a bit of Luke in this one.

If not, it'd be a shame to have an entire movie of searching and finding him and not showing him at all.

13. Episode VIII

There are endless possibilities as to what could happen in the next instalment.

Many crucial characters like Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn, Poe and Captain Phasma are still alive and at large.

Their stories will be told much more in-depth next time around, so I can't wait for that.

We'll also get to see more of Luke Skywalker (hurrah!).

So there you have it, folks. My spoiler review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

It is a movie a rate very highly, and it stands firm as the best movie I have seen all year.

Till my next post which will be about my top 10 best films of 2015, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all!

And as always, May the Force be with you.
