My Most Anticipated Movies of 2019

What a year 2018 was for movies.

From mega blockbuster comic book movies to heartwarming independent efforts, it had the works - and with the Oscars now over and with some justice being shown to the former category on a stage where they're usually snubbed, things are looking bright for 2019.

With reference to for the release dates of upcoming movies, here are my most anticipated ones for the months to come.


Welcome to Marwen

When I saw the trailer for this movie, I was immediately drawn to its unique visual style.

I don't even know what it is - Animation? Motion capture? Beats me.

From the director of some of my favourite movies like Back to the Future (1985) and Forrest Gump (1994), I'm super keen to see his vision for this movie.

Release date: 7th March

Captain Marvel

Need I say more?

It took Marvel a long-ass time to make their first female-led comic book movie - so long that even DC managed to wow the world with Wonder Woman (2017) around the time Brie Larson was only just announced as the actor playing Captain Marvel.

Nevertheless, this film promises so much and with Avengers: Infinity War (2018) leaving us in a state of emotional shock and disbelief, it's very interesting to see how Captain Marvel fits into the picture.

Admittedly, I'm not 100% sold on the visuals based on the trailers, but I'm still super excited for this next chapter in the MCU's ever-growing roster of heroes.

Release date: 7th March


The first of two new 'live-action' Disney classic remakes this year, this movie promises so much.

With a stellar cast and a trailer which already tugs at your heartstrings, things look very promising for this movie.

Release date: 28th March



The next entry in DC's road to recovery after Justice League (2017), this movie certainly looks like a load of fun and entertainment.

With a plot about a kid who can instantly transform into a full-sized adult superhero at the utterance of the titular word, there is so much potential to play with that seems impossible to cock up.

With Batfleck out of the picture for good now (sobs), it'll be interesting to see which version of Batman may be referenced in the movie.

Release date: 4th April

Avengers: Endgame

This is it. The culmination of over a decade of build-up and suspense. It all ends here.

The hype is unreal following the events of Infinity War (2018) which left all of us in shock and awe, and basically just dying to find out what happens next.

With so many beloved heroes turned to literal dust and only a handful of the Avengers left, it's interesting to see how dark the MCU is going to become - up until the moment a certain Captain Marvel comes along to save the day.

Release date: 24th April


John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

I was genuinely blown away with how good the previous movie in the series was.

It brought the whole "old man kicks ass" genre to a new level of gritty and raw action with awesome realistic destruction, damage, blood and broken things.

With the addition of Halle Berry to the cast as a badass character - her first shot at redemption in a badass-type role since she did the abysmal Catwoman (2004), things are looking very promising.

Release date: 16th May


X-Men: Dark Phoenix

This movie has all the potential in the world to become the best X-Men movie of the lot.

The last time these chaps tried their hand at telling the Dark Phoenix saga, we ended up getting the Brett Ratner-directed X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - a movie which, in my opinion, is the worst movie in the franchise along with X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009).

This potential better bear great fruit this time round given that it's been years since the Juggernaut bounced onto the scene as a living meme. Those years better have been spent polishing this story to the max.

Release date: 6th June


From Danny Boyle - the director who very sadly had to leave the production of the upcoming James Bond movie due to creative differences, comes this interesting musical tale celebrating the work of The Beatles.

I saw the trailer and was immediately hooked on the idea of a world where nobody knew who The Beatles were and their legendary music.

Love the indie vibes the movie has too.

Release date: 27th June


Spider-Man: Far From Home

If you thought Spidey going to Germany to help Iron Man beat Team Cap in Captain America: Civil War (2016) was awesome, then well, we're gonna get more of that European action here.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), mainly because of Tony Stark's involvement and the tech-filled Spidey suit which hugely undermines Spidey's own abilities and senses.

However, that movie got the character right and the trailer for this sequel looks extremely promising. With the very talented Jake Gyllenhaal cast as major fan-favourite Mysterio, this movie promises so much.

Release date: 4th July


Yet another biopic - this time about Sir Elton John.

Quite an interesting choice in casting Taron Egerton to play the role - in some scenes in the trailer, his makeup and costume make him look more like Austin Powers than Elton but oh well.

Interestingly, Egerton uses his own vocals in the movie which is a huge risk and considering how Elton is still alive and well, why couldn't they just ask him?

We'll see how it goes.

The Lion King

Next up in Disney's packed lineup of 'live-action' remakes of their animated classics is one of perhaps the most beloved.

I must say, the trailer is very short but the visuals are absolutely stunning.

With director Jon Favreau at the helm, who also did The Jungle Book (2016) to much acclaim, this movie is definitely in good hands, and with such a stellar voice cast, this one's sure to make a huge impact when it's out.

Release date: 18th July


It - Chapter Two

The first movie was hella scary, and Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise the clown absolutely freaked the bejeezus out of me.

I mean, those disgusting mega teeth man... Shudders.

This sequel - set 27 years after the events of the first one depicts the same kids now all grown up back to deal with this demonic clown.

Definitely worth a watch, in my opinion.

Release date: 5th September



Sorry, Jared Leto. Seems your single-film tenure as the Clown Prince of Crime is over.

In comes Oscar-nominee Joaquin Phoenix in this standalone DC adventure, and boy does it look amazing.

For one, I love the makeup and the overall look of this new take on the character. It appears to be more traditional in terms of looks rather than the weird tattoo-clad version that was Leto's in Suicide Squad (2016).

Release date: 3rd October


Star Wars: Episode IX

I think I know the title of Episode IX now - "Retcon of The Last Jedi".

After Rian Johnson derailed the franchise and split the fanbase with Episode VIII, J. J. Abrams is back to fix the mess that was made and hopefully conclude this trilogy in a satisfactory way.

I'm feeling zero hype at the moment but then again, it's early days and the last taste of Star Wars we got was the abysmal Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018).

Help us, Master Abrams, you're our only hope.

So there's my list, folks.

Naturally, I would've missed out on a few movies that will quietly pop up and do wonders for the critics and/or the box office so I'm excited to see which ones they are.

Coming up is my review of Captain Marvel so stay tuned!
